My short story, “Good Jordy Good,” was a finalist for Southwest Review’s David Nathan Meyerson Fiction Prize, judged by Ben Fountain. It was published in Michigan Quarterly Review.

“Apartment Mom,” snagged an honorable mention in New Millennium Writings’ short-short fiction contest and was published by Grey Sparrow Journal.

The Review Review included a nice word about one of my flash pieces in its review of The Quotable:

“Also quite moving is the selection of nonfiction here. There are only two pieces, one of which is the flash essay, “The Trees Would Know” by Margaret Eaton. Interestingly, this dark, haunting, memoir essay is written in third person, unlike most of the fiction.

A click on the titles below will take you to some of my published flash fiction.

Azra’s Fountain, Opium Magazine

Birdie, Pif Magazine

That Ain’t This, Matchbook

The Trees Would Know, The Quotable

His Maoist Tenured Ass or Ode to a Cliche, Oblong

If I Had a Hammer, Apt

Scent on a Mission, Onomatopoeia

Hadley’s Mill, The Collagist

In addition to writing fiction, I was an early contributing editor for Dowser, an online news source for social entrepreneurs. You can read some of the short articles I wrote for Dowser by clicking here.